=encoding euc-jp
=head1 NAME
YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language (tm)
use YAML;
# Load a YAML stream of 3 YAML documents into Perl data structures.
my ($hashref, $arrayref, $string) = Load(<<'...');
name: ingy
age: old
weight: heavy
# I should comment that I also like pink, but don't tell anybody.
favorite colors:
- red
- white
- blue
- Clark Evans
- Oren Ben-Kiki
- Brian Ingerson
--- >
You probably think YAML stands for "Yet Another Markup Language". It
ain't! YAML is really a data serialization language. But if you want
to think of it as a markup, that's OK with me. A lot of people try
to use XML as a serialization format.
"YAML" is catchy and fun to say. Try it. "YAML, YAML, YAML!!!"
# Dump the Perl data structures back into YAML.
print Dump($string, $arrayref, $hashref);
# YAML::Dump is used the same way you'd use Data::Dumper::Dumper
use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper($string, $arrayref, $hashref);
=begin original
The YAML.pm module implements a YAML Loader and Dumper based on the YAML
1.0 specification. L
=end original
YAML.pm モジュールは YAML 1.0 仕様 L を
基にした YAML ローダとダンパを実装します。
=begin original
YAML is a generic data serialization language that is optimized for
human readability. It can be used to express the data structures of most
modern programming languages. (Including Perl!!!)
=end original
YAML は人間にとっての可読性に最適化された汎用のデータ直列化言語です。
ほとんどの現代のプログラミング言語(Perl を含みます!!!)のデータ構造を
=begin original
For information on the YAML syntax, please refer to the YAML
=end original
YAML の文法に関する情報については、YAML 仕様を参照して下さい。
=over 4
=item YAML is readable for people.
It makes clear sense out of complex data structures. You should find
that YAML is an exceptional data dumping tool. Structure is shown
through indentation, YAML supports recursive data, and hash keys are
sorted by default. In addition, YAML supports several styles of scalar
formatting for different types of data.
=item YAML is editable.
YAML was designed from the ground up to be an excellent syntax for
configuration files. Almost all programs need configuration files, so
why invent a new syntax for each one? And why subject users to the
complexities of XML or native Perl code?
=item YAML is multilingual.
Yes, YAML supports Unicode. But I'm actually referring to programming
languages. YAML was designed to meet the serialization needs of Perl,
Python, Ruby, Tcl, PHP and Java. It was also designed to be
interoperable between those languages. That means any YAML serialization
produced by Perl can be processed by Python, and be guaranteed to return
the data structure intact. (Even if it contained Perl specific
structures like GLOBs)
=item YAML is taint safe.
Using modules like Data::Dumper for serialization is fine as long as you
can be sure that nobody can tamper with your data files or
transmissions. That's because you need to use Perl's C built-in
to deserialize the data. Somebody could add a snippet of Perl to erase
your files.
YAML's parser does not need to eval anything.
=item YAML is full featured.
YAML can accurately serialize all of the common Perl data structures and
deserialize them again without losing data relationships. Although it is
not 100% perfect (no serializer is or can be perfect), it fares as well
as the popular current modules: Data::Dumper, Storable, XML::Dumper and
YAML.pm also has the ability to handle code (subroutine) references and
typeglobs. (Still experimental) These features are not found in Perl's
other serialization modules.
=item YAML is extensible.
The YAML language has been designed to be flexible enough to solve it's
own problems. The markup itself has 3 basic construct which resemble
Perl's hash, array and scalar. By default, these map to their Perl
equivalents. But each YAML node also supports a type (or "transfer
method") which can cause that node to be interpreted in a completely
different manner. That's how YAML can support oddball structures like
Perl's typeglob.
=item YAML.pm plays well with others.
YAML has been designed to interact well with other Perl Modules like POE
and Time::Object. (date support coming soon)
=head1 USAGE
=head2 Exported Functions
=begin original
The following functions are exported by YAML.pm by default when you use
YAML.pm like this:
=end original
YAML.pm を以下のように使うと、デフォルトで後述する関数が
use YAML;
=begin original
To prevent YAML.pm from exporting functions, say:
=end original
YAML.pm からのエクスポートを避けるには、以下のようにします:
use YAML ();
=over 4
=item Dump(list-of-Perl-data-structures)
=begin original
Turn Perl data into YAML. This function works very much like
Data::Dumper::Dumper(). It takes a list of Perl data strucures and
dumps them into a serialized form. It returns a string containing the
YAML stream. The structures can be references or plain scalars.
=end original
Perl のデータを YAML にします。
この関数は Data::Dumper::Dumper() と非常に良く似た動きをします。
Perl のデータ構造体のリストを引数に取り、シリアライズされた形にします。
YAML ストリームの文字列を返します。
=item Load(string-containing-a-YAML-stream)
=begin original
Turn YAML into Perl data. This is the opposite of Dump. Just like
Storable's thaw() function or the eval() function in relation to
Data::Dumper. It parses a string containing a valid YAML stream into a
list of Perl data structures.
=end original
YAML を Perl のデータにします。これは Dump の逆です。
ちょうど Data::Dumper におけるストア可能な thaw() 関数や eval() 関数の
valid な YAML ストリームの文字列をパーズし、Perl データ構造体のリストにします。
=item Store()
=begin original
This function is deprecated, and now refered to as Dump. It is still available
for the time being, but will generate a warning if you are using -w. You
B using -w, aren't you? :)
=end original
この関数は非推奨で、現在は Dump を使うことになっています。
歴史的な理由によりまだ利用可能ですが、-w オプションを使っていると
警告を出力します。もちろんあなたは -w をB<使っている>でしょうね? :)
=begin original
The reason for this deprecation is that the YAML spec talks about programs
called Loaders and Dumpers. "Storers" is too hard to say, I guess...
=end original
この関数が非推奨になった理由は、YAML 仕様が Loaders と Dumpers と
"Storers" は言いにくすぎると私は思います...
=head2 Exportable Functions
=over 4
=item DumpFile(filepath, list)
=begin original
Writes the YAML stream to a file instead of just returning a string.
=end original
YAML ストリームを文字列として返すのではなく、ファイルに書き込みます。
=item LoadFile(filepath)
=begin original
Reads the YAML stream from a file instead of a string.
=end original
YAML ストリームを文字列からではなく、ファイルから読み込みます。
=item Bless(perl-node, [yaml-node | class-name])
=begin original
Associate a normal Perl node, with a yaml node. A yaml node is an object
tied to the YAML::Node class. The second argument is either a yaml node
that you've already created or a class (package) name that supports a
yaml_dump() function. A yaml_dump() function should take a perl node and
return a yaml node. If no second argument is provided, Bless will create a
yaml node. This node is not returned, but can be retrieved with the Blessed()
=end original
通常の Perl ノードを YAML ノードに関連付けます。
YAML ノードは YAML::Node クラスと結び付けられたオブジェクトです。
2 番目の引数は、既に作成済みの YAML ノードか、yaml_dump() 関数に
yaml_dump() 関数は perl ノードを引数に取って、YAML ノードを
2 番目の引数が与えられなかった場合、Bless 関数は YAML ノードを作成します。
このノードは返されませんが、Blessed() 関数で受け取ることができます。
=begin original
Here's an example of how to use Bless. Say you have a hash containing three
keys, but you only want to dump two of them. Furthermore the keys must be
dumped in a certain order. Here's how you do that:
=end original
これはどのように Bless を使うかの例です。
ここで 3 つのキーを持つハッシュがありますが、そのうち 2 つだけをダンプしたい
use YAML qw(Dump Bless);
$hash = {apple => 'good', banana => 'bad', cauliflower => 'ugly'};
print Dump $hash;
Bless($hash)->keys(['banana', 'apple']);
print Dump $hash;
=begin original
=end original
--- #YAML:1.0
apple: good
banana: bad
cauliflower: ugly
--- #YAML:1.0
banana: bad
apple: good
=begin original
Bless returns the tied part of a yaml-node, so that you can call the
YAML::Node methods. This is the same thing that YAML::Node::ynode()
returns. So another way to do the above example is:
=end original
Bless は YAML ノードの一部と結び付けられたものを返すので、
YAML::Node メソッドを呼び出すことができます。
これは YAML::Node::ynode() が返すものと同じです。
use YAML qw(:all);
use YAML::Node;
$hash = {apple => 'good', banana => 'bad', cauliflower => 'ugly'};
print Dump $hash;
$ynode = ynode(Blessed($hash));
$ynode->keys(['banana', 'apple']);
print Dump $hash;
=item Blessed(perl-node)
=begin original
Returns the yaml node that a particular perl node is associated with
(see above). Returns undef if the node is not (YAML) blessed.
=end original
特定の perl ノードと結び付けられている YAML ノードを返します
(上記参照)。ノードが (YAML で) bless されていない場合は
undef を返します。
=item Dumper()
=begin original
Alias to Dump(). For Data::Dumper fans.
=end original
Dump() の別名です。Data::Dumper ファン用です。
=item freeze() and thaw()
=begin original
Aliases to Dump() and Load(). For Storable fans.
=end original
Dump() と Load() の別名です。Storable ファン用です。
=begin original
This will also allow YAML.pm to be plugged directly into modules like POE.pm,
that use the freeze/thaw API for internal serialization.
=end original
これにより、 YAML.pm を POE.pm のように freeze/thaw API を
=head2 Exportable Function Groups
=begin original
This is a list of the various groups of exported functions that you can import
using the following syntax:
=end original
use YAML ':groupname';
=over 4
=item all
=begin original
Imports Dump(), Load(), Store(), DumpFile(), LoadFile(), Bless() and Blessed().
=end original
Dump(), Load(), Store(), DumpFile(), LoadFile(), Bless(), Blessed() を
=item POE
=begin original
Imports freeze() and thaw().
=end original
freeze() と thaw() をインポートします。
=item Storable
=begin original
Imports freeze() and thaw().
=end original
freeze() と thaw() をインポートします。
=head2 Class Methods
=begin original
YAML can also be used in an object oriented manner. At this point it
offers no real advantage. This interface will be improved in a later
=end original
YAML はオブジェクト指向の作法で使うことも出来ます。
=over 4
=item new()
=begin original
New returns a new YAML object. For example:
=end original
新しい YAML オブジェクトを返します。例:
my $y = YAML->new;
$y->dump($foo, $bar);
=head2 Object Methods
=over 4
=item dump()
=begin original
OO version of Dump().
=end original
OO 版の Dump() です。
=item load()
=begin original
OO version of Load().
=end original
OO 版の Load() です。
=head2 Options
=begin original
YAML options are set using a group of global variables in the YAML
namespace. This is similar to how Data::Dumper works.
=end original
YAML オプションは YAML 名前空間のグローバル変数を使って設定されます。
これは Data::Dumper と同じように動作します。
=begin original
For example, to change the indentation width, do something like:
=end original
local $YAML::Indent = 3;
=begin original
The current options are:
=end original
=over 4
=item Indent
=begin original
This is the number of space characters to use for each indentation level
when doing a Dump(). The default is 2.
=end original
Dump() したときに、インデントレベル毎に使う空白文字の数です。
デフォルトは 2 です。
=begin original
By the way, YAML can use any number of characters for indentation at any
level. So if you are editing YAML by hand feel free to do it anyway that
looks pleasing to you; just be consistent for a given level.
=end original
ところで、YAML は各レベルでインデントとして何文字でも使うことが出来ます。
従って、YAML を手で変更するときは好みの見栄えになるように好きにしてもらって
=item UseHeader
=begin original
Default is 1. (true)
This tells YAML.pm whether to use a separator string for a Dump
operation. This only applies to the first document in a stream.
Subsequent documents must have a YAML header by definition.
=end original
デフォルトは 1 (真)。
YAML.pm が Dump 操作のためにセパレータ文字列を使うかどうかを指定します。
引き続く文書には定義により必ず YAML ヘッダが使われます。
=item UseVersion
=begin original
Default is 1. (true)
Tells YAML.pm whether to include the YAML version on the
The canonical form is:
=end original
デフォルトは 1 (真)。
YAML.pm がセパレータ・ヘッダに YAML バージョンを含めるかどうかを指定します。
--- YAML:1.0
=item SortKeys
=begin original
Default is 1. (true)
Tells YAML.pm whether or not to sort hash keys when storing a document.
=end original
デフォルトは 1 (真)。
YAML.pm が文書を保存するときにハッシュキーでソートするかどうかを指定します。
=begin original
YAML::Node objects can have their own sort order, which is usually what
you want. To override the YAML::Node order and sort the keys anyway, set
SortKeys to 2.
=end original
YAML::Node オブジェクトは独自のソート順を持つことができます。
YAML::Node の順を上書きしてとにかくキーをソートしたい場合、
SortKeys に 2 を指定します。
=item AnchorPrefix
=begin original
Default is ''.
Anchor names are normally numeric. YAML.pm simply starts with '1' and
increases by one for each new anchor. This option allows you to specify a
string to be prepended to each anchor number.
=end original
デフォルトは ''。
アンカー名は通常数値です。YAML.pm は単純に '1' から始めて、
=item UseCode
=begin original
Setting the UseCode option is a shortcut to set both the DumpCode and
LoadCode options at once. Setting UseCode to '1' tells YAML.pm to dump
Perl code references as Perl (using B::Deparse) and to load them back
into memory using eval(). The reason this has to be an option is that
using eval() to parse untrusted code is, well, untrustworthy. Safe
deserialization is one of the core goals of YAML.
=end original
UseCode オプションは DumpCode オプションと LoadCode オプションを
UseCode に '1' を設定すると、YAML.pm は Perl コードリファレンスを
(B::Deparse を使って)Perl として出力し、読み込むときには
eval() を使います。
eval() を使うのは信用ならないからです。
安全な逆直列化は YAML の中心的な目標の一つです。
=item DumpCode
=begin original
Determines if and how YAML.pm should serialize Perl code references. By
default YAML.pm will dump code references as dummy placeholders (much
like Data::Dumper). If DumpCode is set to '1' or 'deparse', code
references will be dumped as actual Perl code.
=end original
YAML.pm が Perl コードリファレンスをどのように直列化するかを決定します。
デフォルトでは、YAML.pm はコードリファレンスの部分にダミーを出力します
(Data::Dumper と同様です)。DumpCode に '1' または 'deparse' を設定すると、
コードリファレンスは実際の Perl のコードとしてダンプします。
=begin original
DumpCode can also be set to a subroutine reference so that you can
write your own serializing routine. YAML.pm passes you the code ref. You
pass back the serialization (as a string) and a format indicator. The
format indicator is a simple string like: 'deparse' or 'bytecode'.
=end original
DumpCode にはサブルーチンへのリファレンスも指定でき、これによって
YAML.pm はコードリファレンスをサブルーチンに渡します。
フォーマット指示子は 'deparse' や 'bytecode' といった単純な文字列です。
=item LoadCode
=begin original
LoadCode is the opposite of DumpCode. It tells YAML if and how to
deserialize code references. When set to '1' or 'deparse' it will use
C. Since this is potentially risky, only use this option if you
know where your YAML has been.
=end original
LoadCode は DumpCode の逆です。YAML に対してコードリファレンスの
'1' または 'deparse' を指定した場合、C が用いられます。
潜在的なリスクがあるため、使用する YAML の出所がわかっているものに
=begin original
LoadCode can also be set to a subroutine reference so that you can write
your own deserializing routine. YAML.pm passes the serialization (as a
string) and a format indicator. You pass back the code reference.
=end original
LodeCode にはサブルーチンへのリファレンスも指定でき、これによって
YAML.pm は文字列としての直列化データとフォーマット指示子をサブルーチンに
=item UseBlock
=begin original
YAML.pm uses heuristics to guess which scalar style is best for a given
node. Sometimes you'll want all multiline scalars to use the 'block'
style. If so, set this option to 1.
=end original
YAML.pm は与えられたノードに対してどのスカラスタイルが最良かを
あるかもしれません。そのような場合、このオプションに 1 を指定します。
=begin original
NOTE: YAML's block style is akin to Perl's here-document.
=end original
注意: YAML のブロックスタイルは Perl のヒアドキュメントと類似しています。
=item ForceBlock
=begin original
Force every possible scalar to be block formatted. NOTE: Escape characters
cannot be formatted in a block scalar.
=end original
注意: エスケープ文字はブロックスカラでは出力できません。
=item UseFold
=begin original
If you want to force YAML to use the 'folded' style for all multiline
scalars, then set $UseFold to 1.
=end original
$UseFold に 1 を設定します。
=begin original
NOTE: YAML's folded style is akin to the way HTML folds text,
except smarter.
=end original
注意: YAML の折り畳みスタイルは HTML の折り畳みテキストに類似していますが、
=item UseAliases
=begin original
YAML has an alias mechanism such that any given structure in memory gets
serialized once. Any other references to that structure are serialized
only as alias markers. This is how YAML can serialize duplicate and
recursive structures.
=end original
YAML はエイリアス機能を持っています。これはメモリにある
=begin original
Sometimes, when you KNOW that your data is nonrecursive in nature, you
may want to serialize such that every node is expressed in full. (ie as
a copy of the original). Setting $YAML::UseAliases to 0 will allow you
to do this. This also may result in faster processing because the lookup
overhead is by bypassed.
=end original
$YAML::UseAliases を 0 に設定すると、このようなことができるようになります。
=begin original
THIS OPTION CAN BE DANGEROUS. *If* your data is recursive, this option
*will* cause Dump() to run in an endless loop, chewing up your computers
memory. You have been warned.
=end original
このオプションにより Dump() が無限ループを引き起こし、
=item CompressSeries
=begin original
Default is 1.
Compresses the formatting of arrays of hashes:
=end original
デフォルトは 1 。
foo: bar
bar: foo
=begin original
=end original
- foo: bar
- bar: foo
=begin original
Since this output is usually more desirable, this option is turned on by
=end original
=begin original
YAML is a full featured data serialization language, and thus has its
own terminology.
=end original
YAML は完全な機能を持ったデータ直列化言語であり、
=begin original
It is important to remember that although YAML is heavily influenced by
Perl and Python, it is a language in it's own right, not merely just a
representation of Perl structures.
=end original
覚えておくべきことは、YAML は Perl と Python の影響を強く受けてはいますが、
独自の言語であり、単なる Perl 構造体の表現方法ではないということです。
=begin original
YAML has three constructs that are conspicuously similar to Perl's hash,
array, and scalar. They are called mapping, sequence, and string
respectively. By default, they do what you would expect. But each
instance may have an explicit or implicit type that makes it behave
differently. In this manner, YAML can be extended to represent Perl's
Glob or Python's tuple, or Ruby's Bigint.
=end original
YAML には 3 種類の構造があり、これは Perl のハッシュ、配列、
YAML は Perl のグロブや Python のタプルや Ruby の Bigint を
=over 4
=item stream
A YAML stream is the full sequence of bytes that a YAML parser would
read or a YAML emitter would write. A stream may contain one or more YAML
documents separated by YAML headers.
a: mapping
foo: bar
- a
- sequence
=item document
A YAML document is an independent data structure representation within a
stream. It is a top level node.
--- YAML:1.0
This: top level mapping
- a
- document
=item node
A YAML node is the representation of a particular data stucture. Nodes
may contain other nodes. (In Perl terms, nodes are like scalars.
Strings, arrayrefs and hashrefs. But this refers to the serialized
format, not the in-memory structure.)
=item transfer method
This is similar to a type. It indicates how a particular YAML node
serialization should be transferred into or out of memory. For instance
a Foo::Bar object would use the transfer 'perl/Foo::Bar':
- !perl/Foo::Bar
foo: 42
bar: stool
=item collection
A collection is the generic term for a YAML data grouping. YAML has two
types of collections: mappings and sequences. (Similar to hashes and arrays)
=item mapping
A mapping is a YAML collection defined by key/value pairs. By default YAML
mappings are loaded into Perl hashes.
a mapping:
foo: bar
two: times two is 4
=item sequence
A sequence is a YAML collection defined by an ordered list of elements. By
default YAML sequences are loaded into Perl arrays.
a sequence:
- one bourbon
- one scotch
- one beer
=item scalar
A scalar is a YAML node that is a single value. By default YAML scalars
are loaded into Perl scalars.
a scalar key: a scalar value
YAML has many styles for representing scalars. This is important because
varying data will have varying formatting requirements to retain the
optimum human readability.
=item simple scalar
This is a single line of unquoted text. All simple scalars are automatic
candidates for "implicit transferring". This means that their B is
determined automatically by examination. Unless they match a set of
predetermined YAML regex patterns, they will raise a parser exception.
The typical uses for this are simple alpha strings, integers, real
numbers, dates, times and currency.
- a simple string
- -42
- 3.1415
- 12:34
- 123 this is an error
=item single quoted scalar
This is similar to Perl's use of single quotes. It means no escaping and
no implicit transfer. It must be used on a single line.
- 'When I say ''\n'' I mean "backslash en"'
=item double quoted scalar
This is similar to Perl's use of double quotes. Character escaping can
be used. There is no implicit transfer and it must still be single line.
- "This scalar\nhas two lines, and a bell -->\a"
=item folded scalar
This is a multiline scalar which begins on the next line. It is
indicated by a single closing brace. It is unescaped like the single
quoted scalar. Line folding is also performed.
- >
This is a multiline scalar which begins on
the next line. It is indicated by a single
carat. It is unescaped like the single
quoted scalar. Line folding is also
=item block scalar
This final multiline form is akin to Perl's here-document except that
(as in all YAML data) scope is indicated by indentation. Therefore, no
ending marker is required. The data is verbatim. No line folding.
- |
--- ---- ----- -----
1 Foo Fighters $19.95 $19.95
2 Bar Belles $29.95 $59.90
=item parser
A YAML processor has four stages: parse, load, dump, emit.
A parser parses a YAML stream. YAML.pm's Load() function contains a
=item loader
The other half of the Load() function is a loader. This takes the
information from the parser and loads it into a Perl data structure.
=item dumper
The Dump() function consists of a dumper and an emitter. The dumper
walks through each Perl data structure and gives info to the emitter.
=item emitter
The emitter takes info from the dumper and turns it into a YAML stream.
In YAML.pm the parser/loader and the dumper/emitter code are currently
very closely tied together. When libyaml is written (in C) there will be
a definite separation. libyaml will contain a parser and emitter, and
YAML.pm (and YAML.py etc) will supply the loader and dumper.
For more information please refer to the immensely helpful YAML
specification available at L.
=head1 ysh - The YAML Shell
=begin original
The YAML distribution ships with a script called 'ysh', the YAML shell.
ysh provides a simple, interactive way to play with YAML. If you type in
Perl code, it displays the result in YAML. If you type in YAML it turns
it into Perl code.
=end original
YAML 配付パッケージには 'ysh'(YAML shell' と呼ばれるスクリプトが入っています。
ysh は単純で対話的に YAML を操作する手段を提供します。
Perl のコードを入力として与えると、YAML として結果を表示します。
YAML を入力すると、Perl のコードを表示します。
=begin original
To run ysh, (assuming you installed it along with YAML.pm) simply type:
=end original
ysh を実行するためには、(YAML.pm と共にインストールされていると仮定して)
ysh [options]
=begin original
Please read L for the full details. There are lots of options.
=end original
完全な詳細については L を見てください。多くのオプションがあります。
=begin original
If you find a bug in YAML, please try to recreate it in the YAML Shell
with logging turned on ('ysh -L'). When you have successfully reproduced
the bug, please mail the LOG file to the author (ingy@cpan.org).
=end original
YAML のバグを発見したら、ログ保存オプションをつけた YAML Shell
('ysh -L') で再現させてみてください。
バグの再現に成功したら、LOG ファイルを作者 (ingy@cpan.org) に
=begin original
WARNING: This is *ALPHA* code.
=end original
警告: これは「アルファ」コードです。
=begin original
BIGGER WARNING: This is *TRIAL1* of the YAML 1.0 specification. The YAML
syntax may change before it is finalized. Based on past experience, it
probably will change. The authors of this spec have worked for over a
year putting together YAML 1.0, and we have flipped it on it's
syntactical head almost every week. We're a fickle lot, we are. So use
this at your own risk!!!
=end original
大警告: これは YAML 1.0 仕様の「TRIAL1」です。
YAML 文法は確定する前に変更される可能性があります。
この仕様の作者達は YAML 1.0 のために 1 年以上作業していますが、
=over 4
=item Circular Leaves
=begin original
YAML is quite capable of serializing circular references. And for the
most part it can deserialize them correctly too. One notable exception
is a reference to a leaf node containing itself. This is hard to do from
pure Perl in any elegant way. The "canonical" example is:
=end original
YAML は循環するリファレンスを直列化することができます。
これは pure Perl ではエレガントに行うのは難しいのです。
$foo = \$foo;
=begin original
This serializes fine, but I can't parse it correctly yet. Unfortunately,
every wiseguy programmer in the world seems to try this first when you
ask them to test your serialization module. Even though it is of almost
no real world value. So please don't report this bug unless you have a
pure Perl patch to fix it for me.
=end original
そんなわけで、この問題を解決する pure Perl のパッチを作ったので
=begin original
By the way, similar non-leaf structures Dump and Load just fine:
=end original
ところで、似てはいても葉ではない構造の Dump と Load はうまくいきます:
$foo->[0] = $foo;
=begin original
You can test these examples using 'ysh -r'. This option makes sure that
the example can be deserialized after it is serialized. We call that
"roundtripping", thus the '-r'.
=end original
これらの例は 'ysh -r' を使ってテストできます。
=item Unicode
=begin original
Unicode is not yet supported. The YAML specification dictates that all
strings be unicode, but this early implementation just uses ASCII.
=end original
Unicode はまだ対応していません。
YAML 仕様は全ての文字列は Unicode であるとしていますが、
この初期実装は単に ASCII を使っています。
=item Structured Keys
=begin original
Python, Java and perhaps others support using any data type as the
key to a hash. YAML also supports this. Perl5 only uses strings as
hash keys.
=end original
Python と Java (他にもあるでしょう) はハッシュのキーに
どんなデータ型でも使えます。YAML もこれに対応しています。
Perl5 はハッシュキーとして文字列だけが使えます。
=begin original
YAML.pm can currently parse structured keys, but their meaning gets lost
when they are loaded into a Perl hash. Consider this example using the
YAML Shell:
=end original
YAML.pm は現在のところ構造化キーをパーズできますが、
その意味は Perl ハッシュに読み込まれた時に失われます。
以下の例を YAML Shell で試してみてください:
ysh > ---
yaml> ?
yaml> foo: bar
yaml> : baz
yaml> ...
$VAR1 = {
'HASH(0x1f1d20)' => 'baz'
ysh >
=begin original
YAML.pm will need to be fixed to preserve these keys somehow. Why?
Because if YAML.pm gets a YAML document from YAML.py it must be able to
return it with the Python data intact.
=end original
YAML.pm はなんとかしてこれらの値を保存するように修正する必要があります。
なぜかって? Yaml.pm が YAML.py で作った YAML 文書を扱ったとき、
Python データを無傷で返せなければならないからです。
=item Globs, Subroutines, Regexes and File Handles
=begin original
As far as I know, other Perl serialization modules are not capable of
serializing and deserializing typeglobs, subroutines (code refs),
regexes and file handles. YAML.pm has dumping capabilities for all of these.
Loading them may produce wild results. Take care.
=end original
私の知る限り、他の Perl 直列化モジュールは、
YAML.pm はこれら全てをダンプする能力があります。
=begin original
NOTE: For a (huge) dump of Perl's global guts, try:
=end original
注意: Perl のグローバルなもろもろの(巨大な)ダンプを作るには、
perl -MYAML -e '$YAML::UseCode=1; print Dump \%main::'
=begin original
To limit this to a single namespace try:
=end original
1 つの名前空間に制限するなら、以下のようにしてください:
perl -MCGI -MYAML -e '$YAML::UseCode=1; print Dump \%CGI::'
=item Speed
=begin original
This is a pure Perl implementation that has been optimized for
programmer readability, not for computational speed.
=end original
pure Perl で実装されています。
Neil Watkiss and Clark Evans are currently developing libyaml, the
official C implementation of the YAML parser and emitter. YAML.pm will
be refactoring to use this library once it is stable. Other languages
like Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript and Java can make use of the
same core library.
Please join us on the YAML mailing list if you are interested in
implementing something.
=item Streaming Access
=begin original
This module Dumps and Loads in one operation. There is no interface
for parsing or emitting a YAML stream one node at a time. It's all
or nothing.
=end original
このモジュールの Dump と Load は単一の操作になっています。
YAML ストリームを 1 ノードずつパースやエミットするインターフェースは
ありません。"all or nothing"です。
=begin original
An upcoming release will have support for incremental parsing.
Incremental dumping is harder. Stay tuned.
=end original
=begin original
Please read L for advanced YAML features.
L is the official YAML website.
L is the YAML 1.0 specification.
L is the official YAML wiki.
YAML has been registered as a Source Forge project.
(L) Currently we are only using the mailing
list facilities there.
=end original
更なる YAML の機能に関しては L を見てください。
L は YAML 公式ウェブサイトです。
L は YAML 1.0 仕様書です。
L は YAML 公式 wiki です。
YAML は SourceForge プロジェクトとして登録されています
=begin original
This is the first implementation of YAML functionality based on the 1.0
=end original
これは YAML 1.0 仕様を基にした機能の最初の実装です。
=begin original
The following people have shown an interest in doing implementations.
Please contact them if you are also interested in writing an
=end original
- name: Neil Watkiss
- libyaml
- YAML mode for the vim editor
email: nwatkiss@ttul.org
- name: Brian Ingerson
project: YAML.pm, libyaml Perl binding
email: ingy@ttul.org
- name: Clark Evans
project: libyaml, Python binding
email: cce@clarkevans.com
- name: Oren Ben-Kiki
project: Java Loader/Dumper
email: orenbk@richfx.com
- name: Paul Prescod
project: YAML Antagonist/Anarchist
email: paul@prescod.net
- name: Ryan King
project: YAML test specialist
email: rking@panoptic.com
- name: Steve Howell
project: Python and Ruby implementations
email: showell@zipcon.net
- name: Patrick Leboutillier
project: Java Loader/Dumper
email: patrick_leboutillier@hotmail.com
- name: Shane Caraveo
project: PHP Loader/Dumper
email: shanec@activestate.com
- name: Brian Quinlan
project: Python Loader/Dumper
email: brian@sweetapp.com
- name: Jeff Hobbs
project: Tcl Loader/Dumper
email: jeff@hobbs.org
- name: Claes Jacobsson
project: JavaScript Loader/Dumper
email: claes@contiller.se
=head1 AUTHOR
Brian Ingerson is resonsible for YAML.pm.
The YAML language is the result of a ton of collaboration between Oren
Ben-Kiki, Clark Evans and Brian Ingerson. Several others have added help
along the way.
Neil Watkiss is pioneering libyaml. Bless that boy!
Ryan King offered much help on the 0.35 release. The XP advocate
extraordinaire, help me refactor my entire test suite into its
current form. Regression tests are extremely important to the success
of this project.
Copyright (c) 2001, 2002. Brian Ingerson. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
See L